Drive Through Bear World Take 2 (a ton of pictures!!!)
Some Other Random Pictures
Drive through part 2! I got a whole bunch more pictures this time!
Cort taking more pictures!
Turkey - Chris and I both agree that they are not that pretty, but they sure taste good!
Comparison of white elk and regular elk
A couple more pictures of the white elk
Wolves too!
When you see the bottom of the picture all blurry like that - it is because that is the dashboard or the bottom of the window on the side - that is how close they were!
We even got a sneak peek at what they eat!
We found a white wolf too! It was very pretty!
A lot of bear pictures!
Ok now this is a crazy story. So remember when I talked about earlier how you can pay to feed the big bears? Well they ride on the top of this big van thing, and they stop and feed bears. When you drive through you are not supposed to stop because the bears will think you are feeding them. Well the crazy people in front of us decided to stop, and when we caught up to them this is what happened:
The bear actually got the back door open, but luckily shut it again by accident. We were freaking out because the pictures you see are not zoomed in at all. The bear turned towards us, the only reason I didn't have any pictures is because we were going crazy. We were afraid that he was going to do something to our car, luckily we were able to pull around them when the bear went back to the other car and started clawing at it again. This is why you don't stop in Bear World!
This one was right next to the car.
I like how this one was just sitting down!
This wolf ran right by our car, I just barely got a picture!
Another shot of the moose - he was just hiding really good!
The 2nd drive through was defiantly more eventful!
Other Random Pictures!
We are bears! Eventually I will photo shop my head in so we are all together, but for now they are separate...
This is how tall we were next to a Grizzly Bear!
I am short!
Cortney loved this little thing, she kept running to the back and sticking her head out every time she got a chance!
This is how big our hands are compared to the bears
Bye bye Bear World!
After Bear World we went and got snow cones...even though it was raining and went to our hotel. We decided to stay in Rexburg that night then drive up to Yellowstone the next morning. Cortney loved to go swimming! The only thing is the pool was so cold! We decided to go in the hot tub instead!
Good night for day 1!
Looks like you guys had so much fun!! Glad you had a good vacation get-away. You deserve it!