
Monday, February 4, 2013

Not Quite Honey...WHAAATTTT???!!!!

Cortney's vocabulary is growing incredibly fast lately.  I am amazed at all the new words she learns!  I love that she always doesn't get it quite right for example, the latest one:

Cort:Mom, why is my stomach code?

Mom: Code?  What is code honey?

Cort: I don't know

Mom: Usually something written down that  you need to translate (she does know translate because I have been writing this Book of Mormon study guide and we did a translating activity)

Cort: oh, well that is not what I said then...

Also her new favorite word to say is WHHHAAAATTTT???!!!

It all started when I was picking her up from school one day and I told her I just signed daddy up for the day when he gets to go with her to school.  Her response was WHHHAAAATTTT???!!!  Yes in that exact manner.  It was really loud and her teacher walked over and asked Cortney if she had a question.   I think I started laughing and so ever since she has been saying it all the time.  She doesn't say it when she has a question, she usually says it when she is super excited about something.

Last night I was talking to her about something else, I cannot remember what, and she said something - and I said what?! in a much calmer way but in the same manner - and I know I have been doing that for years so I guess that is where she gets it from :)

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