
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Snow in the Face!

The park where I run  has this big tall trees surrounding the walkway - and today they were holding alot of snow.  I ran around twice about 3 miles, and during that time a lot of snow feel off of the tree's and onto me!  Not once did i get a big piece in the face but 3 different times.  Other times I got some on my legs and arms, while it was kind of refreshing it was kind of shockingly cold for the first couple seconds.

Other note worthy things that have happened lately:

Cortney loves saying "Where you going?"  Even when I am just sitting down.  This morning I was eating breakfast at the table and she ran into the room and said "Momma where you going?"  All in all she has to say it at least 20 times a day. 

For his grad degree Chris has to either write a thesis or do a project - most people do projects becuase it is easier, and Chris lucked out and got a project that is not only funded but at his work so he can just do the project while working!

Also Covenant Communications sent me an e-mail and said my book is offically in the evaluation process!  I'm super excited about this, I put a lot of work into it, I hope they like it!

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